Python Line Editor

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In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a text editor like notepad in Python.

Spyder is another good open-source and cross-platform IDE written in Python. It is also called Scientific Python Development IDE and it is the most lightweight IDE for Python. It is mainly used by data scientists who can integrate with Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy, Pandas, Cython, IPython, SymPy, and other open-source software. Online Compiler from Programiz. If you want to start writing Python code without.

Text Editor is the first most and essential need of a software developer those are willing to write code or simply edit the existing one, working becomes easier due to the different functionality provided to the user, they are customizable according to the user needs. As though the ultimate work of a text editor is to edit files then too, choosing the best editor for programming is a trending topic of all-time in the tech industry, depending upon you can predict the power and importance of text editor in developer's life.

So in this tutorial, we will be learning how to create a simple text editor using Python Programming Language. In this, we will be using the Tkinter library and two additional modules supported by Tkinter, ‘MessageBox' and ‘FileDialog' for providing some additional functionality to our editor.

Introduction to the libraries and modules used

  • Tkinter – This is one of the most Powerful, Widely Used and Platform Independent library available in Python for creating seamless and nice-looking GUI applications, it is very easy to use and understand different widgets provided by Tkinter.
  • MessageBox – This module provides the template classes and a variety of inbuilt functions for alerting the user, these message boxes can be an info message, an error message or ask yes/no message.
  • FileDialog – This module provides the classes and inbuilt functions for creating file or directory selection windows.

Creating Text Editor Using Python

Before getting started with code we need to install required libraries:


Now, comes our Actual Code: Pro studio audio.

Source Code:

I would suggest you, read the code thoroughly because it is very easy to understand and I have added comments for almost every single line for your better understanding.


Run the text editor file:

Click on the file menu and select open command:

Select the file you want to open:

Click on open Button:

Now you can enjoy editing your file:

So In this way, you can create a simple text editor using Python and Tkinter library. I hope this tutorial was helpful to you, thank you ‘Keep Learning Keep Coding'.

  1. Hey, I love the tutorial but you used read mode in askopenfilename that is only meant to read not edit or write to the file content.

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The Python IDLE (Integrated DeveLopment Environment) editor is a graphical user interface for Python development. This GUI is free and installed automatically during the Python installation. It enables you to edit, run, and debug Python programs in a simple GUI environment.

IDLE is actually a Python program that uses the standard library's tkinterGUI toolkit to build its windows. It is portable and can be run on all major platforms, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc. It supports the following features:

  • command history and syntax colorization
  • auto-indent and unindent for Python code
  • word auto-completion
  • support for multiple windows
  • integrated debugger

The Python IDLE is usually present as an entry in the Start button menu in Windows 7. In Windows 8, you can run it by typing IDLE from the Start menu. Once started, it will display some useful information about the Python version and the operating system:

You can write your code after the >>> prompt and it will be executed when you press Enter:

Although the shell window is useful for executing one-line commands, you will not use it to write full-fledged programs. Instead, Python IDLE comes with its own built-in text editor that you can use to write and save your code. You can start the editor by selecting File > New File:

This opens up a window where you can type your code:

Before running your code, you will need to save it in a file (File > Save). Make sure that the file has the .py extension:

To run your code, click Run > Run Module (or press F5):

The result will be printed in the IDLE shell window:

Notice how the result of our program was displayed after the RESTART line.

Python IDLE is usually used by novice programmers. Later in your programming career, you will probably work with more powerful and robust tools, such as Eclipse
Online python ide editor

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The Python IDLE (Integrated DeveLopment Environment) editor is a graphical user interface for Python development. This GUI is free and installed automatically during the Python installation. It enables you to edit, run, and debug Python programs in a simple GUI environment.

IDLE is actually a Python program that uses the standard library's tkinterGUI toolkit to build its windows. It is portable and can be run on all major platforms, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS, etc. It supports the following features:

  • command history and syntax colorization
  • auto-indent and unindent for Python code
  • word auto-completion
  • support for multiple windows
  • integrated debugger

The Python IDLE is usually present as an entry in the Start button menu in Windows 7. In Windows 8, you can run it by typing IDLE from the Start menu. Once started, it will display some useful information about the Python version and the operating system:

You can write your code after the >>> prompt and it will be executed when you press Enter:

Although the shell window is useful for executing one-line commands, you will not use it to write full-fledged programs. Instead, Python IDLE comes with its own built-in text editor that you can use to write and save your code. You can start the editor by selecting File > New File:

This opens up a window where you can type your code:

Before running your code, you will need to save it in a file (File > Save). Make sure that the file has the .py extension:

To run your code, click Run > Run Module (or press F5):

The result will be printed in the IDLE shell window:

Notice how the result of our program was displayed after the RESTART line.

Python IDLE is usually used by novice programmers. Later in your programming career, you will probably work with more powerful and robust tools, such as Eclipse or

Best Free Python Editor

  • Interactive prompt
  • Command line
  • Python course

    Python Line Editor Free

      IntroductionPython overviewInstall Python on WindowsInstall Python on LinuxAdd Python to the Windows PathRun Python codeInteractive promptIDLE editorCommand lineHelp modeBasic programsWrite your first programUse commentsWhat are variables?Variable data typesNumeric variablesStringsGet the current date and timeOperators overviewArithmetic operatorsComparison operatorsLogical operatorsAssignment operatorsMembership operatorsIdentity operatorsConditional statementsThe if statementGet user inputThe if..else statementThe if..elif statementNested if statementsUse logical operatorsLoopsThe for loopUse for loop with the range() functionThe break statementThe continue statementThe pass statementUse else statement in loopsThe while loopNested loop statementsErrorsTypes of errorsSyntax and logical errorsThe try..except statementsThe try..except..else statementsThe try..except..finally statementsCatch specific exceptionsRaise exceptionNest exception handling statementsModulesWhat are modules?Import modulesFind files on diskDisplay module contentStringsWhat are strings?Escape charactersAccess individual charactersString functionsSearch strings

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